West Papua / Irian Jaya new home of JI?
A leader for the Free Papua Movement based in Australia has raised an issue that might be something worth looking into from the journalist point of view- afterall -it is a vastly open area of Indonesia and well- is an intriguing suggestion.
"Senior Papuan independence campaigner Willy Mandowenalso believes terrorists are likely to be targeting Papua because of its strategic location bridging the southern Philippines and Pacific nations, and that Canberra should be paying more attention to this issue."- Australian
While the man may have his own reasons to suggest it- uit does make a lot a possible reason many of the key bombmakers of JI have not been captured - the area is known to be a haven for smuggling and also for other illegal activity.
Perhaps it is a story worth checking into... but then agian this is a man who by Indonesia's point of view is himself considered a "terrorist or rebel"... still where there is smoke?
Story below shows a defensive posture on the local view that critics of the position of the Country's inability to stop the terror training camps in the Southern Philippines - what the Gov't should do is turn the tables on the USA and other critics and say...
I offer three other responces the Palace can give when asked anew over the JI problem....sugjested responce statement from the Palace "Well ... Now how many people are you worried about who got across your border? hmmmmm... Whets that 12+ million undocumented people my... my.... The Philippine delegates could look at the other side of the table and say - speak up I cant hear you? Your spending how much? 12 billion dollars a week - a week- (3 weeks is the national budget of this country) and you cant find a single old man with a beard hangs out with goats- who posts videos on websites? hmmmmm... Very poor management of resources..."
Another optional responce - "The Philippines has done a lot - but sadly - Washington's, Canberra's, and London's people here spend more time playing golf and going to spa's and figuring out how to extend their tours of duty here - I mean... If they caught all the badguys here... They might have to go to Iraq!
And the Spa's, Karaoke, and, seafood is just not the same in the greenzone."
Or the blunt one- " Two US administrations both Clinton and Bush were given warnings by the RP AFP & PNP intel communities on plots vs. The US prior to 9-11- which were ignored. One which mentioned hijackings and planes crashing into buildings a series of reports were submitted in 1995 &1996 in 1999 & 2000 - all were; flatly ridiculed by US Gov't people " Esp, a ex Clinton era national security adviser who wrote a marginal note- " Couldn't happen even if they tried... This is a daydream. " or words to that effect. ...." - done while holding up a copy of the returned report with the comments in handrighting of US officials... (it exists.. dont ask me how I know)
Now with that in mind...
Manila Times: http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2006/apr/22/yehey/top_stories/20060422top8.html
RP terror fight defended
SHORT of saying that the country's efforts to fight terrorism is not that bad, Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said on Friday that the Philippine government will soon eradicate terrorism in the country.
Speaking to more than 600 delegates at the First Counter-terrorism Experts Conference at the Shangri-La Mactan Island Resort in Cebu, Ermita said the Philippines has neutralized 238 terrorists under the Arroyo administration. Of these, 212 were members of the Abu Sayyaf, 10 were foreign terrorists and 4 were members of the Rajah Solaiman Islamic Movement.
Other speakers on the forums second day underscored the need for governments to understand why individuals join terrorist groups.
The reason could be other than religious passion or zeal. It could be economic or something else, said Australian Ambassador Tony Healy
All for the Money... Nuke rummblings in Iran look more and more like a Persian salesmans push for higher Oil prices!
This is interesting to say the least... it renews my idea that this whole Iran nuke thing is a way to cash in on tension and raise the price of Oil.
“very good,” is the reaction of Iran' s President when told of sky rocketing Oil Prices-
"Iran’s Mehr News Agency reported, emphasizing the hawkish position of the world’s fourth largest oil exporter as crude prices have hit record levels. -
“The increase of the oil price and growth of oil income is very good and we hope that the oil prices reach their real levels,” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said as he toured an oil exhibition in Tehran, in the Report of the Iranian news agency based in Tehran. Earlier remarks suggest Ahmadinejad believes crude prices should rise above this week’s record high of over $74 a barrel.
He spoke of plastics and other by produicts of Oil that need to price factored or value added in.
Another minister for Oil production said he felt oil should be sold to rich countries for $100 a barrel... its real value.... Ok.... where's there a scooter salesman when you need one?
Meanwhile - record prices for Gasoline in Beverly Hills - where reports say the Prices have reached over $4 a gallon.
# posted by MikeCohen-at-large @ 11:14 AM