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Tuesday, June 13, 2006


“Spiritual Leader?” of Jemaah Islamiah free anew

In the Counter terrorism blog of Zachary Abuza: "Abu Bakar Ba’asyir Walks Out of Prison Today a Free Man"

Bali bomb cleric freed from jail
[]… Today, Indonesian authorities will release Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, a 68 year old cleric and the spiritual leader of the Southeast Asian affiliate of Al Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiyah." … []
The report echoes the sentiments of those who see Ba' Asyir,

They say Abu Bakar who had; allegedly met with Osmaa Bin Laden in Afghanistan years ago was a integral part of the movement to set up a Caliphate across SE Asia years and the establishment of the armed struggle of Jihadi's.

But while there are those who say in his defense - that the mans teachings are no more violent than those of some in the extremist sects and preachers of other regions - Christians and Jews included who speak of violence and 'ruling over the world' for each religion without respect for sensitivities or right to exist of the other religions who all worship the one God.

But; while he himself may have never built a bomb or fired a gun or detonated a device his teachings as observed by many - are or can be viewed by some - as a dangerous ideological weapon for those who praise violence.

Prof. Abuza write further Ba 'asyir;

[] … Ba’asyir has always asserted his innocence and blamed his incarceration on the heavy-handed diplomatic pressure from Australia and the United States. "I was sure that the detention and the sentence by the district, provincial and the supreme courts was purely an order of Allah's enemies, especially the US and Australia. Repeatedly these two infidel countries intervened into my case," he said.

While the US government has said little about Ba’asyir’s release (the state department spokesman expressed "deep disappointment" on Tuesday), the Australian government, has expressed considerable concern. Nearly half of the 202 people killed in the October 2002 Bali bombings were Australians and in September 2004, ….[]
It is a fact many of his former students are either in jail or being hunted in Indonesia and across Asia as part of the Terror network that is Jemaah Islamiah.

But scores of others are not violent militants - if compared to say other teachers or professors across the region it would be like jailing half of those in teaching profession who speak of armed struggle or jailing every priest who would speak out for 'the masses rights' or anything else speak some in his defense.

But Ba' Aysir is known to have financed or arranged financing for camps in Mindanao - that is confirmed - he allegedly was at the opening of some; He was a visitor to the MILF and MNLF areas over the years - more so - and this is something no one doubts are the bombs on the Philippine Embassy residence in jakarta.

The attacks on many Philippine targets in Mindanao, the 2000 bombings in Manila on Rizal Day, the bombings of the the ASG and Jemaah Islamiah and the numerous acts of kidnappings, massacres and killings of these groups - have never been condemned or critisized by Ba'aysir- even as in nearly every attack his students or people idetified with groups he was a part of were involved.

Should Manila be worried? The council of foreign relations reports this:

Consider these other points raised Prof. Abruza:

[]… Ba'asyir … proscribed under the UN's 1267 list, which prohibits him from travelling outside of Indonesia.

Ba’asyir was designated by the US Department of the Treasury on 13 April 2006 (as a Terrorist supporter.)

Ba’asyir will return to his madrassah, the Al Mukmin School, in Solo, Central Java. Though the school’s alumni are a who’s who of jihadists and terrorist in Southeast Asia, the Indonesian government refuses to shut it down. …[] counter-terrorism blog

June 14th, 2006 Posted by mikeinmanila | Uncategorized, news, News and politics, pirates, News Of China, china, asia, war on terror, Views, war, philippines, Democrats, Afghanistan, Filipino, Bush, Rants, Raves, Whathaveyou..., freedom of speech, Pinoy, protests, republican, border security, free speech, al qaeda, Palawan, OFW, abu sayyaf

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