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Thursday, September 07, 2006
Clinton rage over ABC 9-11 Docu-drama: The truth hurts

The 911 commision reports show that reports were made and submitted warning of 9-11 like like plots to the then Clinton era National Security panel.

It's Author was - Klhid Shiek Mohamad - the Al Qeada No.3 - now in US custody. It the report was drafted by the Philippine National Police and submited shortly after the 1995 APEC summit in Manila. it was resubmited on three different occasions.
Why the rage over the ABC Docu-drama - not so much for Bill - whose politcal career as middle level elder statesman and future first hisband - seem to be his only plans. Perhaps he read the memo the current first lady issued that the the first spouise now handles the orientation of white house interns! Man talk about letting loose a kid in the candy store - so anything that might upset that future job would make Bubba very upset indeed.

Along with the warnings both handed over at the white house and Pentagon - were a long time symbol of friednship that dates back to the US colonial period in these islands, Boxes of the finest made Philippine Cigars. Don Juan Arquillos; anyone who read the transcripts of the Clinton impeachment and Ken Starr reports knows what happened to the cigars.
As to the report - ignored perhaps because of other matters or issues - some in the Whte House claim it was never recieved.
Didne't the then Clinton National security adviser did 'lose' some ducments?
However sitting in the Pentagon, Camp Crame, and ,Camp Aguinaldo as well as in the court trial of Ramsey Youseff- the report is not only mentioned but was submitted for evidence. Further - the ignored warning if memory serves me correctly was bearing a seal stamped with a White House document seal. Clinton got angry over the entire Lewinsky issue - he even - lied about it to the world from the White House.
I think ABC should air the docu-drama - there seems to something there some people dont want seem. It is widely known the Bush Admistraiton had its own errors in the lead up to 9-11 and after in the war on terror. Perhaps - its time to see who else was too busy to notice or preoccupied to care about wanrings given time and agian in the years prior.
I say to ABC - AIR IT! Let the people decide.